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Conflitti in “maschera”

Where does my resistance to the Divine come from?

You Are The All that composes everything that has chosen to incarnate in a form that in this incarnation you recognize as XYZ [n.d.r. name of the person who asked for channeling].

In your choice of incarnation you have chosen programs to go further to Expand. So what you call “resistances” (and indeed they are) are the programs to resist recognizing Who You Really Are functional to making you do the earthly experience, because the earthly experience for every human is to experience those who are not, rediscover Who It is and live coherently with the rediscovered Truth.

So to accomplish your Expansion Path in the first phase of your life (or it would be better to say in the second phase of your life) all the programs you had chosen have activated and built with you the relative reality you know with challenges, the experiences, successes and failures that you have experienced, that through the mental and emotional body you have categorized as positive or negative but in reality, if you look carefully, everything has been the functional experience that has led you here. So your choices along the Way created the next step consistent with the deep choices you were making.
Is that clear to you?


Now your programs are active (like everyone else’s) but your free will has led you to search for the meaning of that restlessness you perceive within yourself. You have thus remembered that all that appears to you other than yourself is illusory, and that your True Self, the All that composes all, is the only Reality.

So rejoice and now observe your life through this new vision. You will observe the same people, the same events, the same situations, but this time as an observer who sees manifest in front of his eyes the mirror of what is happening inside. Thus, conflicting situations speak to you of what within you is still separate and still lived in a conflictual (albeit masked) way within you.

Tratto da una Canalizzazione alla Fonte
effettuata il 27.02.2024

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