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I have money issues

I have issues with money: I don’t have enough in my life, to pay for my expenses.

The lack of money is about your being in lack: you are lacking and therefore you deny your Divinity, you deny your values and they do not flow.

lingering in the lack and observing Life through the cause – effect takes you away from the vision of Oneness that You are, so you don’t accept that everything that happens is your own creation and is for you.

So in this phase of your Journey the only way for you is to go back to the Centre of your Centre and observe yourself as if you were the camera that at this moment is projecting to 360 degrees the life you see outside of you. But since you are both the camera and the film, you are also able replace the film with another one. But as long as you believe that the film lives on its own life and you can’t do anything, the film you will observe will always be the same.
Is that clear to you?


Do you have any more questions?

What are my values, the ones I’m not aligned with?

The main value for you and for all humans is to recognise your Divinity. And the value immediately after this is to recognise oneself as Unconditional Love, the Love that forms everything and composes everything. Therefore these two would be enough to radically change your life, since if you recognise yourself as Love, you recognise also that all that appears to you other than you is Love, and therefore it Oneness, and therefore it’s You. Even what is in density is rationally categorised as negative, ugly, terrible, in Reality is a manifestation of Love to return to the Oneness of Divinity that You Are.

All these words within you resound, but your rationality is rejecting them, because by not understanding them and not being able to attribute to them an action to be performed, it rejects them by distancing the possibility of changing the point of observation.

So if you really want to see your values flowing, work on the resistance to see Who You Really Are in everything that appears to you outside.

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effettuata il 02.03.2024

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