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What’s in store for me?

If this pain that I am experiencing serves to give birth to or evolve my True Self, who am I really? What well-being awaits me?

You are the All that composes everything: You are Light, You are Grace, You are Joy, You are Infinite and Unconditional Love. You have chosen to individualize yourself in a form that you knowingly know in your physical body, emotional body and mental body, but in Reality You Are All. And since everything is One, You Are also everything you observe outside your physical body, therefore your partner, your machine, your home; You are the animals you see, observe, touch; You are your co-workers; You are your customers; You are everything else that appears to you. The mind cannot understand because it processes everything sequentially and everything through duality. But in Reality there is no duality, because everything is One.

Therefore, since you have chosen to individualize yourself in all these forms, you have also chosen to live the Path of Awakening in infinite ways. So, to answer your question “what awaits you”, what awaits you is what you will consciously choose to live. Therefore, since You Are All and all is already, since time and space do not exist in Reality, You Are already all versions of your incarnation, and You are already all versions of all that appears to you other. So, every Here and Now is a chance for you to experience the highest version of the highest mink you have of yourself, so when you have taken a physical body, you have also chosen your egoic part.

You have often heard negative talk about ego, but there is no negative and there is no positive. Simply ego is what allows you to have the earthly experience. But you are The Divine, so accept this Truth and connect with your deeper self so that your ego becomes or returns to be at the service of your Deep Felt. Then Peace within you will be the guide, and where there is peace there is no suffering.


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effettuata il 22.01.2024

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